Wes Anderson: His Films; My Favourites
These are listed in order of which movies I enjoyed watching the most. My favourite scenes would be ordered differently; but these are my favourite movies in order! :)
WARNING: The YouTube clips may contains profanity and/or violence.
8. Bottle Rocket (1996)
Not that this film wasn't a gem, honestly I loved it. But I did go into the film previously having seen four other Anderson films, so my expectations were quite high and I expected the bright colours and the cinematography I'd previously seen in his newer films. But with all that being said I did enjoy this film. I loved the story (I love crime films) and the acting was decent for new actors Owen and Luke Wilson. I found it difficult sometimes to follow the character of Dignan but I enjoyed his character a lot. My favourite scene was the ending when Dignan ran away from the cops. It showed the Anderson style of going from normal to slow motion in a scene.
7. The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (2004)
The Life Aquatic was awesome! Can I just say how difficult it was to rank these films? They're all amazing! Anyways, Bill Murray was amazing as Steve Zissou. The beginning of this film was brilliant. To put it as a film and then to show how they're continuing the film. I loved it! I was very interested in the story and the visuals were absolutely stunning! The animation portion of this film was also very, very good! I was mesmerized, especially by that end scene. A brilliant film. The more that I think of this film, the more I like it. My favourite scene was when Steve forced the pirates to leave his boat (as well as the scene with the abandoned hotel because of the beautiful visuals).
6. Rushmore (1998)
Rushmore was good because not only was it amazing visually, but it was a coming of age story. The acting of Jason Swartzman was incredible especially since this was his first time acting. The story was a bit strange, student and students much older friend both fall for the same teacher. But I liked the story telling and I liked the interactions all the characters made with each other. Seeing all the extracurriculars Max did in school, the way the director told us was incredible. But, my favourite scene was when Max and Herman took turns trying to sabotage each other.
5. Moonrise Kingdom (2012)
As we are talking about coming of age films, this one does it excitingly, making me regret that I truly didn't run away in my youth. Since much of this acting was done by very young children, it was very, very well done. I enjoyed this film very much and the story. Anderson always does a superb job mixing enough comedy and drama. I like how the children in this film are all acting as adults. My favourite scene was when Sam beat up the search party that had found him in the woods. It was highly entertaining to watch. Also, I like how Suzy defends Sam and I just loved the relationship between Suzy and Sam.
4. The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)
Anderson's newest film, also nominated for an Oscar, The Grand Budapest Hotel is just that: grand. It is beautiful to watch with wonderful colour choices and amazing acting. There is a great cast and a great story line. Zero is the center of it; the new Lobby Boy. Ralph Fiennes also does an amazing job playing M. Gustave; the concierge at the hotel. There are so many memorable scenes in this film; it's great. My favourite scene, though, is when Zero and M. Gustave are chasing Jopling down the ski hill on a toboggan and the way it is filmed is fantastic. I also like the scene when M. Gustave escapes from prison.
3. The Darjeeling Limited (2007)
There was something about this film that just truly caught my attention. I connected with the characters and the way they acted. This has a huge part to do with siblings. I have quite a lot of them including a twin. I know how siblings act together and it was a meaningful and funny experience to see the true way siblings act; they could kill each other, but they'd kill anyone who hurt their siblings. I completely fell in love with Jason Swartzman's character; Jack. I don't know exactly what it was but his character was awesome! And I liked Peter a lot too. Francis was a bit crazy, but he's what makes the family work. The whole film was mesmerizing, especially the first and last shots where the characters run onto the train. My favourite scene was when they all saved a kid from the river (except Peter). It was moving and really brought forth the real problem the characters were facing about their fathers funeral.
2. The Royal Tenenbaums (2001)
I didn't expect that The Royal Tenenbaums would have such an affect on me. It was brilliant and gave me so much to think about. I immediately connected to the characters. It is a dysfunctional family that, in Anderson style, takes it to the extreme. But I found it easy to connect to the situations and characters. The acting was amazing and the interactions of the actors was great. My favourite scene is one that must pop into most peoples minds when thinking of The Royal Tenenbaums. Richie's suicide attempt. The way it is filmed; the haunting song "Needle in the Hay", and the way he speaks when he says he's going to kill himself. It was beautifully done.
1. Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009)
This movie is fucking fantastic! When I went into this film, I certainly did not expect to love it as I do. This film is exciting and funny and meaningful. It shows a family with a misunderstood teen; the perfect cousin; a father who truly wants the best but will go too far to get it; and the mother who always has good advice. Guys, this film has it all. Amazing actors, meaning, and a great storyline. And the fact that it is stop motion really allowed Anderson to play around and get the desired effect that he wanted. An all star cast with instantly recognizable voices and humorous dialogue. I have a few favourite scenes from this film, but one that stands out for its wit is the cussing scene. It's a children's movie, and Anderson never forgot that.
One of my favourite lines: "I understand what you're saying, and your comments are valuable, but I'm gonna ignore your advice."
Thanks so much for checking out my list. I hope you enjoyed, and I strongly encourage you to check out Wes Anderson's films. They're very good and enjoyable all the way through. Comment below and let me know your favourite Anderson films! I'd love to hear it! Also comment if there's any Anderson film you want me to do a full review on.
Thanks for reading!