Let's Talk contains spoilers
Synopsis (Goodreads):
Luxury spaceliner Icarus suddenly plummets from hyperspace into the nearest planet. Lilac LaRoux and Tarver Merendsen survive -- alone. Lilac is the daughter of the richest man in the universe. Tarver comes from nothing, a cynical war hero. Both journey across the eerie deserted terrain for help. Everything changes when they uncover the truth.

This book reminded me a lot of Titanic in the beginning. Even as I looked up pictures for this book, Titanic GIFs were everywhere!
I really liked the characters and I think that they were thought out very well. I liked the beginning when the ship first crashed. I thought that was really cool and the way it was written was just as well.
I liked seeing all the different landscape (even though 90% was desert). I loved when they decided to separate and Tarver had to go back because Lilac got stuck climbing up a tree because the cat thing was trying to hurt her.
Seeing their romance grow was awesome. The sexual tension was obvious after their first encounter but they were both so stuck thinking things about the other that aren't true that it caused them to lose time together. But I'm glad it happened that way because it just made sense (more realistic).
I liked that it alternated POV and alternated between after they return and when they are on this planet.
But after some things... it got a bit weird.
Lilac died. She was trying to help blow something up and told him she had to be the one. Tarver had to watch her die. But then she came back. I'm still not sure if she is truly back. It confused me, but I loved reading it nonetheless.
I loved their romantic encounters! Seeing them change their selves and really come out of their shell for each other was adorable! And when Lilac had to save Tarver... Loved this book!
But other than that, I really enjoyed reading this book. It was about survival and love. But neither was so in your face that it got annoying or unoriginal.
I did like how they set up this book for a possibility of another without it being necessary to read the next.
But I liked this one so much, I'll most definitely read the next. It's another series to finish...

Rating: 7/10
Parental Rating: 13+
Thanks for reading! Comment below to let me know what you thought of the book (even if you haven't read it).
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